Wattyl Paints

An Australian icon, with a rich heritage stretching back to 1915 and home to household names. Sponge was responsible for delivering on a wide range of briefs targeting consumers and the trade.

Wattyl manufactures some of the country’s most well known brands including Solagard, Estapol and Killrust, brands that have become almost generic for the category. We needed to create an overarching brand positioning that encompassed new packaging, POS, company store design, corporate ID evolution, brochures for corporate, products and systems, Apps, website, events, trade loyalty scheme.

Wattyl's centenary year offered the perfect opportunity to remind consumers and the trade of the long heritage of innovation and celebrate the brands that make up Wattyl.

Our campaigns were executed in Australia and New Zealand across traditional media, promotions, digital and social for both B2C and B2B. New products were regularly added to the Wattyl range and we were commissioned to develop names, packaging and comms to launch the new lines to the market. Bigger picture was to transform Wattyl from a house of brands, to a master brand led business.

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